Crude Oil and its Derivatives
Crude oil and its derivatives are traded very quickly and often even a day’s delay can result in you losing the deal. Our connections with recognisable oil companies worldwide enable us to secure real product at the right time and to commit and secure the product with great financial muscle behind us.

Examples of oil derivatives we are acquainted with include:
- Crude Oil
- Jet A1 Fuel
- Diesel
- Naphtha
Our buying procedures are consistent with those used by major oil companies. We are always looking for Jet A1 and below are the procedures we use in brief:
- Buyer issues ICPO
- Seller issues CI
- Buyer sends back CI with TSA or CPA
- Seller sends buyer POP documents and DTA
- Buyer orders Dip Test via SGS or similar
- Buyer tank farm issues ATI or Buyer vessel issues NOR/ETA
- Payment made to seller in exchange for title
- Intermediaries paid
Please contact us if you are a seller of Jet A1 who can use the above procedures to sell us Jet A1.
We welcome enquires from brokers who may then be asked to put us in contact with the seller. If you cannot bring the seller to the table it may be difficult for us to proceed any further.
Examples of our work
Purchase of Jet A1 Fuel in Rotterdam
We have successfully put together proposals to buy Jet A1 Fuel in Rotterdam and in other places. As part of the buying group, we have handled everything from the initial stage, through negotiations as to procedures, prices and commissions, to proceeding step by step to conclusion.
This methodical approach to business has brought us considerable trust and credibility in this difficult market. Sellers now recognise us as no nonsense buyers of Jet A1, with strong financial backing anybody would be proud of.
To book an appointment for a no obligation chat, send us an email using the form below or call +44(0)7815 00 55 05 for an immediate response.
We can help with:
- Business problem solving,
- Client Representation,
- Risk Management & Cashflow Control,
- Property Portfolio Management,
- Venture Capital & Business Finance,
- and much more!
Get in touch. We'd be delighted to hear from you.