Carbon Credits
With the world realising that we have to head towards being carbon neutral, we are doing our best to assist by working with businesses, including assisting them in finding and funding green projects and managing the projects and the carbon credits generated.

By paying a fee to “buy out” their carbon emissions, entities can fund renewable energy plans or those which capture and reduce harmful gasses such as methane and consequently reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Our works involves in us assisting entities in calculating and negotiating payments needed to help fund “green” projects and interacting with them in order to take advantage of carbon reduction projects and trading the eligible carbon credits and carbon offsets generated.
Popular carbon offset projects include:
Renewable energy projects
Such as Brazil and Canada which have many lakes and rivers and countries like Denmark and Germany which have a lot of windy regions
Energy efficiency enhancing projects
Making appliances more efficient, insulating properties and using low energy LED light bulbs amongst other things
Carbon and methane capture and elimination projects
Removing carbon dioxide (CO2) and Methane (CH4) from the atmosphere. When methane is burned, carbon dioxide is created. As CH4 is 20 times more harmful to the atmosphere than CO2, converting molecule of methane to one molecule of carbon dioxide through combustion reduces net emissions by more than 95%.
Land use and reforestation projects
This includes planting trees, and enriching soil so carbon is absorbed from the atmosphere. Plants convert CO2 from the atmosphere into organic matter through photosynthesis. Once absorbed into the soil, this enriches the soil and reduces pollution.

Though not a comprehensive list, here are some popular practices that typically qualify as offset projects:
- Investing in renewable energy by funding wind, hydro, geothermal, and solar power generation projects, or switching to such power sources wherever possible.
- Improving energy efficiency across the world, for instance by providing more efficient cook stoves to those living in rural or more impoverished regions.
- Capturing carbon from the atmosphere and using it to create biofuel, which makes it a carbon-neutral fuel source.
- Returning biomass to the soil as mulch after harvest instead of removing or burning. This practice reduces evaporation from the soil surface, which helps to preserve water. The biomass also helps feed soil microbes and earthworms, allowing nutrients to cycle and strengthen soil structure.
- Promoting forest regrowth through tree-planting and reforestation projects.
- Switching to alternate fuel types, such as lower-carbon biofuels like corn and biomass-derived ethanol and biodiesel.
A very exciting way of funding projects which qualify for carbon credits is by using assets to enter investment programmes and then to use the profits generated in order to fund green projects. Please read our section on Asset and Investment Management on how we can help you raise the funds using an investment programme to finance a green project.
We are seeking corroboration with clients who require assistance in implementing green projects and with those who require us to trade their carbon credits on our platform.

To book an appointment for a no obligation chat, send us an email using the form below or call +44(0)7815 00 55 05 for an immediate response.
We can help with:
- Business problem solving,
- Client Representation,
- Risk Management & Cashflow Control,
- Property Portfolio Management,
- Venture Capital & Business Finance,
- and much more!
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